All Electron microscopy systems

Clairscope enables concurrent light microscopy
Jeol USA | Added: 14 Jul 2010
Jeol is to launch the first correlative microscope to enable concurrent light microscopy and atmosp…

FEI installs Titan S/TEM at nanoscience institute
FEI | Added: 1 Jul 2010
FEI has installed its Titan scanning/transmission electron microscope (S/TEM) at Zaragoza Universit…

Cypher AFM investigates archaeological materials
Asylum Research | Added: 29 Jun 2010
Asylum Research has installed the first Cypher AFM in Mexico at the Instituto Nacional de Investiga…

Workshop focuses on SPM for energy applications
Asylum Research | Added: 29 Jun 2010
Asylum Research is inviting abstracts for contributed talks and posters for the International Works…

Rotary-pumped system for coating applications
Electron Microscopy Sciences | Added: 24 Jun 2010
Electron Microscopy Sciences has introduced the EMS 150R, a compact rotary-pumped coating system su…

Store allows probe selection for force measurement
Asylum Research | Added: 11 Jun 2010
Asylum Research has announced that its automated AFM/SPM Probe Store is now online, enabling simple…

Delong LVTEM5 used in study of nanomaterials
Delong America | Added: 7 Jun 2010
A recent study has seen the LVTEM5 low-voltage electron microscope (LVTEM) used by the US Air Force…

Joel microscope performs oil shale analysis
Jeol USA | Added: 27 May 2010
Jeol has used one of its scanning electron microscopes to study the potential of oil shale.

Tabletop SEM installed in technology access centre
Hitachi High Technologies | Added: 14 May 2010
The first of Hitachi's TM3000 next-generation tabletop SEMs has been installed at the STFC Daresbur…

Band Excitation reveals cluster-gas properties
Asylum Research | Added: 14 May 2010
The Band Excitation (BE) technique has provided clues to the origins of unique properties of materi…

Titan Krios enables atomic-resolution imaging
FEI | Added: 5 May 2010
FEI has announced that the atomic resolution of viruses in solution has been achieved for the first…

Electron microscope used in marine studies
Delong America | Added: 4 May 2010
The LVEM5 bench-top electron microscope is being used by researchers at the Universite du Quebec a …

FEI launches Helios dual-beam instruments
FEI | Added: 27 Apr 2010
FEI Company has introduced a range of dual-beam instruments that delivers an imaging and milling ca…

Hitachi unveils tabletop microscope at show
Hitachi High Technologies | Added: 21 Apr 2010
Hitachi High-Technologies will launch the TM3000 Tabletop Microscope and SU8000 ultra-high performa…

Ilion+ offers planar surface preparation for SEM
Gatan | Added: 19 Apr 2010
Gatan has introduced the Ilion+, a dedicated ion-beam-based system for the preparation of large are…

LVEM bench-top TEM evaluates bacteriophages
Delong America | Added: 13 Apr 2010
Undergraduate biology students at Lehigh University are using the LVEM bench-top TEM from Delong Am…

Jeol offers thin-film phase plates for TEMs
Jeol USA | Added: 8 Apr 2010
Jeol is offering commercially available thin-film phase-plate technology to life-science customers.

Jeol USA - latest company news
Jeol USA | Added: 6 Apr 2010
6 April 2010 - Dr Sumio Iijima has visited Jeol for the first time following a speaking engagement …

Asylum Research releases OPV application note
Asylum Research | Added: 1 Apr 2010
Asylum Research has announced an application note by the Ginger group at the University of Washingt…

Atomic resolution microscope aids nano research
Jeol USA | Added: 19 Mar 2010
Jeol USA and the University of Texas at Dallas (UTD) have announced the university's acquisition of…