All Electron microscopy systems

FEI expands Titan G2 series of microscopes
FEI | Added: 12 Aug 2011
FEI has released the Titan G2 80-200 with Chemistem technology, the latest addition to the Titan G2…

Asylum Research installs first Cypher AFM in China
Asylum Research | Added: 10 Aug 2011
Asylum Research has installed the first Cypher AFM system in China, at the South China Normal Unive…

System enables 3D imaging on various sample types
FEI | Added: 10 Aug 2011
FEI has released the Versa 3D Dualbeam system, which enables high-resolution 3D imaging and analysi…

Nanoporous membranes are very thin and permeable
Agar Scientific | Added: 2 Aug 2011
Agar Scientific has introduced new products from the Simpore range of precision membranes for elect…

System enables control of plasma radical sources
XEI Scientific | Added: 25 Jul 2011
XEI Scientific's new Evactron Combiclean system simplifies the control and operation of plasma radi…

Hitachi launches scanning electron microscopes
Hitachi High Technologies | Added: 21 Jul 2011
Hitachi High Technologies has launched the SU8000 range of ultra-high-resolution field-emission sca…

Jeol TEM suited to high-throughput nano-analysis
Jeol USA | Added: 15 Jul 2011
The JEM-2800 from Jeol is a 200kV transmission electron microscope that delivers high-throughput na…

Jeol launches EDS for rapid elemental mapping
Jeol USA | Added: 15 Jul 2011
Jeol has developed Centurio, an energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS) for ultra-fast and ultra-sensi…

Phenom-World extends usability of G2 desktop SEM
Phenom-World | Added: 7 Jul 2011
Phenom-World has introduced a temperature-controlled sample holder and improved Fibermetric applica…

Forum will focus on atomic force microscopy
Asylum Research | Added: 28 Jun 2011
ETH Zurich, Atomic Force FandE and Asylum Research have announced that the third Euro AFM Forum - a…

PFIB system removes material 20 times faster
FEI | Added: 13 Jun 2011
FEI has released the Vion plasma focused ion-beam (PFIB) system that is said to remove material mor…

EMS launches catalogue of products for histology
Electron Microscopy Sciences | Added: 9 Jun 2011
Electron Microscopy Sciences has launched the 2011 EMS print catalogue, as well as a new catalogue …

Website offers complete Dumont tweezer selection
Electron Microscopy Sciences | Added: 9 Jun 2011
Electron Microscopy Sciences has created a website offering a complete selection of Dumont tweezers…

Mex turns SEM into a 3D surface metrology device
Electron Microscopy Sciences | Added: 9 Jun 2011
Electron Microscopy Sciences has announced that the Mex scanning electron microscope 3D measurement…

Large specimen sputter coaters for SEM preparation
Electron Microscopy Sciences | Added: 9 Jun 2011
Electron Microscopy Sciences has introduced the EMS 300 series of large specimen sputter coaters fo…

Hitachi launches field emission microscope
Hitachi High Technologies | Added: 6 Jun 2011
Hitachi High-Technologies has introduced a scanning electron microscope (SEM) for applications such…

Navigation system designed for SEM and EPMA users
Jeol USA | Added: 1 Jun 2011
Jeol is offering a 'point-and-shoot' navigation system that makes finding precise locations on a sa…

Oil and gas firm buys automated petrography system
FEI | Added: 27 May 2011
Whiting Oil and Gas has purchased the Qemscan automated petrography and Helios Nanolab Dualbeam tec…

Bruker presents EBSD detector at Pittcon 2011
Bruker Nano Analytics | Added: 17 May 2011
Bruker launched its E FlashHR system, a high-resolution, high-sensitivity detector that enables ele…

Nanogune installs FEI electron microscope systems
FEI | Added: 12 May 2011
FEI and the Basque Nanoscience Cooperative Research Center, Nanogune Consolider, have announced the…